Website Translation

Enter the international playing field with a localized website

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Translating Your Website to Conquer New Markets?

You can increase your international sales with an attractive website, high-quality translations and relevant content. With the right strategy you will also retain more customers. Do you want to translate your website into a foreign language, or translate your foreign websites into Dutch? We create content that meets the expectations of your target group to increase your brand awareness abroad.

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Project management

Our project managers know the ins and outs of website translation and set up a workflow that fits your project perfectly. They take the time to get to know you and your company for the best translation of your website. They know exactly which translator is best for your translation and keep a close eye on your deadline.

  • Personal contact
  • On time, as agreed
  • Match between translator and project
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Focus on Your Target Group

People from all over the world can view your website, but to convince them, you need to offer locally relevant content. Translating a website is more than just transferring the text to another language. With localization, for example, the colour and layout of the website, CTAs and search engine preferences are fully tailored to the culture of your new target group.

  • Conversion of clothing and shoe sizes
  • Currency conversion
  • Advice on use of colour, symbols and humor in a different culture

Consistent Website Translations

By creating your own terminology database you make your website more recognizable. Our terminology services take your website translation to the next level. Every sector has its own jargon, every company its own terminology. We maintain your database and continue to build your tone of voice. This way we guarantee that the language on your website looks consistent to your foreign customers.

  • Your tone of voice
  • Industry-specific jargon
  • Your own term bank
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Looking to expand abroad? Try a multilingual website!

Are you ready to appeal to a larger audience? Of course you are! Contact Scriptware Translations and find out how we can help you with your multilingual website or get your quote immediately.

Translate Website Checklist

In order to properly address your new target groups, it is important to communicate in the native language of your target group. When translating a website or webshop, there are a number of things you should take into account:

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Language Options

Which languages do you want to offer? Is your target group mainly in Germany, or are you looking even further by having your website translated into multiple languages?

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Target Group and Tone of Voice

Make a clear choice: who are you aiming for with your content and how do you want to address them? This information helps the translator translate your website.

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Keyword Research

Getting clicks to your website starts with proper keyword research. Input from your preliminary research that you send to the translator will make the translation SEO-optimized.

Translate Websites Into Dutch

Do you want to be internationally visible? Then a translated website is indispensable. Almost all language combinations are possible at Scriptware Translations. You can have a website translated into the following languages:

Our ISO Certificates

ISO 17100 Icon

ISO 17100:2015

Translation services

Requirements for translation services

ISO 18587 Icon

ISO 18587:2017

Translation services

Post-editing of machine translation

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Translate Website With Various Content Management Systems

HubSpot logo on a light background.

Large-Scale Website Translation for Hubspot

Case Study

We have translated 1 million words of website content in less than a year. Read how we managed to do this without compromising quality.

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Flexible Translation Solution and High Quality for Google

Case Study

Google demands high quality and fast delivery. Read how we can provide quality and speed with our flexible workflow.

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Google logo on a blue background

Solid Quality Assurance

Of course, all of our translations are provided by professional translators who are native speakers of the target language, but there is always room for improvement! That's why we rely on our experienced reviewers who have a comprehensive set of QA tools to check website translations. This way you are assured of the very best end result.

  • Native speakers
  • Experienced reviewers
  • QA tools
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Machine Translation

Having your website translated can be an enormous project, especially if there is a large amount of content on your website. Does your website contain a lot of repetitive information, content with low visibility or texts that emphasize practical use rather than beautiful sentences and perfect grammar? Then consider automated translation for faster and cheaper translations from your website into Dutch or another language.

  • Ideal for large amounts of text
  • Guaranteed post-editing
  • Optimized source texts
Multicutural group of young people having fun on a tropical beach

Have Your Website Translated by Our Translators

Whether you have a small website that sells selfmade clothing or a larger website that promotes an annual film festival: with every translation we ensure the right match between the translator and the project. This way you can be sure that your website is translated properly.

Rated With a 9.3 Based on 849 Reviews

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