High Volume Website Translation for HubSpot

Wave Illustration

“Sometimes taking more time for your translation services is exactly what the client wants: it ensures great quality.”

Cris Gale

Project Manager


Words Translated


Translators Deployed


Year of Service

About HubSpot

HubSpot is an American developer and marketer of software products for inbound marketing, sales, and customer service. The company helps businesses refocusing on helping the customer and growing while doing so. They offer an extensive platform with software that is user-friendly yet rigorous and elaborate. It offers customers ways to build their own websites, manage their CRM, develop their marketing strategies and educate themselves further.

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Choose quality over quantity, like Hubspot did. Our inhouse team of inspired marketing translators will take your website or app to your new target group. Get an instant online quote now!

HubSpot’s Request

HubSpot was looking to expand their services to multiple languages. Initially 800,000 words – ranging from UI texts to marketing copy and web content – were ready to be translated at once. Yet, contrary to many other companies, the absolute certainty of high quality translations was a higher priority than translation speed. HubSpot was willing to take their time to have their translations done right once and for all. They needed consistent, quality translations that were reviewed and proofread before appearing online.

Our Solution

To guarantee the required quality of translations, we started with creating a small, dedicated team that could regardless handle translating at least 120,000 words per month. Then we wrote a style guide and glossary for our translators, to ensure consistency. A conscious choice was made not to use any machine translation, which lowered the translation speed but increased the quality. Our reviewers checked and proofread every text and even did in-context-reviews of the translated Android and iOS apps, identifying bugs and context-related issues.

Rated With a 9.3 Based on 849 Reviews