If you are going to expand abroad, your new customers need to know how to find you. Translating your website is then a logical step. But how do you go about it? Do you have enough knowledge to do it yourself or do you outsource it to a translation agency? This blog article will tell you what you need to consider.
At Scriptware Translations we know that you not only translate your content, but also have to take the target group and tone of voice into account. Request a quote now without obligation.
Most companies translate their website to tap into a new market abroad. But you can also be a franchisee for an international company, and translate your website into Dutch. A website that is available in multiple languages is also easier to find on Google. The more languages, the more keywords and the higher you end up in the search results list. There may be several reasons for you to translate your website.
Translation is more than literally "copying" words into another language. This is especially true for websites.
That depends a bit on the website you have. Although machine translation engines are now a lot more intelligent than when they first came online, they still have trouble with proverbs and sayings. For example, the Dutch saying 'Een uiltje knappen' is still translated by Google Translate with: 'To snap an owl' but it means 'doing a nap'. Similarly, localization and SEO optimization can only be done by a human. However, there is online content where machine translation is a very useful tool. You can think especially of certain product information. For example, if you have an online clothing store and want to translate all the washing instructions for your entire stock in one go, machine translation can be just the thing.
So it all depends on what you want to achieve with your website abroad. In any case, it is advisable to have your website translated by a native speaker from the country of your new target audience. At Scriptware Translations, we work with in-house and freelance translators from several countries and have extensive experience with website translations. If you have any doubts or want to know more about how we work, check out our page on website translation or contact us at . We will be happy to help you!