Automotive Translation

We translate for the automotive industry worldwide

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Automotive Translation That Will Take You Further

The automotive industry is one of the largest sectors in the world. Numerous manufacturers operate worldwide, but the products are sold, used and maintained locally. Automotive translation of manuals and troubleshooting tools must therefore meet the strictest requirements to ensure the safety and reliability expected in this industry. Our specialized translators are happy to help you in this process.

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A Permanent Point of Contact

Having your automotive text translated is essential if you start selling abroad. Our project managers ensure that they get to know your company and properly map out your wishes. This way they take a lot of work off your hands. They are your contact person and are happy to exchange ideas with you.

  • Personal contact
  • On time, as agreed
  • Match between translator and project
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Adaptation to New Markets

You need to be sure that your automotive translation is easy to understand. To achieve this, complete localization is the best option. This way you can be sure that no problems will arise because of incorrect units of measurement or decimal points.

  • Conversion of units of measurement
  • Currency conversion
  • Advice on use of color, symbols and humor in a different culture

Consistent Translations

Our terminology services take your automotive translation to the next level. Every sector has its own jargon and every company has its own terminology. Part of our working method is that we compile our own terminology database for you. This is how we build your specific tone of voice and make sure you distinguish yourself from the competition.

  • Your tone of voice
  • Industry-specific jargon
  • Your own terminology database
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Need an Automotive Translation? Our Doors Are Wide Open!

Just like an engine, a translation must be firmly put together and all parts must be mounted in the right place. Fortunately, at Scriptware Translations we know exactly how to do that. Request a non-binding quote now.

People silhouettes putting puzzle pieces together on sunlight background. Business idea concept

Choosing the Right Translation Provider for Your Business

White paper

In the automotive industry, the process is of great importance for the end product. In this whitepaper you can read how to create a just-in-time workflow for your automotive translations, so that this process is just as efficient as the rest of your work.

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Effective Use of Machine Translation to Improve Your Business

White Paper

Want to learn more about the benefits of automated translation technology, but are you not sure how to apply it to your automotive translation projects? In this whitepaper you can read more about this technology and how you can benefit from it without compromising quality.

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Robot-child reading a book in the workshop of its creator

Automotive Translations in Various Languages?

Many different language combinations are possible. Consequently we not only translate automotive texts into and from Spanish for you, but also into many other languages:

Our ISO Certificates

ISO 17100 Icon

ISO 17100:2015

Translation services

Requirements for translation services

ISO 18587 Icon

ISO 18587:2017

Translation services

Post-editing of machine translation

Automotive Translation Related Translation Services

With the Help of Machines

Automation is central in the automotive industry. This principle can also be applied to large automotive translation projects. By using an automatic translation step, you can save a lot of time and costs.

  • Ideal for large amounts of text
  • Guaranteed post-editing
  • Optimized source texts
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Illustration Source Optimization

Source Text Management

Optimizing your source files allows the translation software to process them more efficiently. This allows you to substantially save costs on large projects and the investment will quickly pay for itself.

  • Removal of inconsistencies
  • Tone-of-voice improvement
  • Ideal for automatic translation of large projects

Quality Assurance

All our translations are provided by professional translators who are native speakers of the target language, but there is always room for improvement! That's why we rely on our experienced reviewers who have a comprehensive range of QA tools to check automotive translations. This way you are assured of the very best end result.

  • Native speakers
  • Experienced reviewers
  • QA tools
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Our Automotive Translators

Our automotive translators are automotive experts and know everything there is to know about the automotive sector. They have proven themselves to us for years as excellent translators within this specific field. In addition, they closely follow developments within this dynamic sector. This way you can be assured of a translation that has taken everything into account and that reaches your target group.

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