Sept. 30th: International Day of the Translator

Sept. 30th: International Day of the Translator


Once a year our translators are in the spotlight, on the day named after them: translator's day. Now, of course, our translators steal the show every day, but this day is just a little more special. For September 30th is the commemoration day of Saint Jerome.

We may translate few Bibles, but are happy to help you with any text

At Scriptware Translations, every day is the translator's day. Like our patron saint Jerome, we know how to translate, edit and unify texts. Need translation? Request a no-obligation quote now.


Saint who? Saint Jerome. He lived from 347-420 in Rome, where he filled his days translating the Bible. He translated the Old and New Testaments from Ancient Greek and Hebrew into vernacular Latin to ensure that even unlearned people could read the Bible. This translation was later called the "Vulgate" (we won't pay attention to how much that word sounds like vulgar) and 1100 years later was declared the only authoritative text for the Catholic Church.

Patron saint of translators

Jerome is the patron saint of translators for a reason. He is undoubtedly the translator who played the greatest role in European history. He provided not only translations, but also critical commentaries on a great many texts, which academics still make use of.

Library of translations

Jerome's translation practice is actually very similar to how we translate today, using translation memories. In fact, parts of the Bible had already been translated into Latin, but Jerome collected all these translations, added to them, edited them and made them into one. Because of him, the text reads as a consistent whole, with a unified style and tone. Now we use translation memories for this: by using and honing previous translations of a word or phrase as a basis, we can provide even better translations.

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