Customer Contact Week 2022: That’s a Wrap

Customer Contact Week 2022: That’s a Wrap


For 3 days last week, customer contact professionals from different industries gathered at the RAI Amsterdam for Customer Contact Week Europe 2022, not far from our office in Haarlem. For us at Scriptware, it was a great chance to learn more about the unique challenges, trends, opportunities and emerging technologies in the field of customer service. And how we as a language service provider can contribute to an experience that keeps international customers coming back. From translating chatbot scripts to adapting content to local preferences. These are some of the topics that sparked our interest.

Customer-centric, Hyper-personalized Experiences

All companies seem to be customer-centric these days, focused on providing the best possible customer experience. If your company operates on a global scale, you need more than just a successful customer-centric strategy. You need an effective localization strategy to accompany it. Localization is key in realizing the personalized experiences that delight your customers. And this goes beyond just translating your customer-facing content. You’ll need to adjust your pricing and currency, use images and references that are relevant to the target culture, consider tone preferences, sometimes even change your design and colour scheme to match local expectations.

Want to Make Your Customer Contact Multilingual?

Can't wait to connect with customers from around the world? Contact us and boost your customer satisfaction scores with our scalable translation solutions.

With customer service as a crucial competitive differentiator, personalized experiences have become the norm. Simply opening emails with “Hi {customer name}” won’t surprise or delight customers anymore. Brands have to take their customer contact to the next level. Hyper-personalization uses machine learning and artificial intelligence to create relevant, engaging experiences that build trust and brand loyalty. A thorough understanding of your customers, combined with consistent communication across all channels and providing your agents with the knowledge and tools to help customers effectively are some of the key factors to successful, lasting relationships with customers.

Connect with Customers Abroad

Maybe you’ve already mastered the customer experience, more likely you’re always working on improving it. If connecting with international customers has proven to be more difficult than expected, or if you’re just getting started with your expansion abroad, feel free to contact us. With linguistic experts from across the globe, we complement your customer data with our local knowledge to create the uniquely targeted experiences that build brand loyalty among international customers.

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