5 reasons to have your website translated

5 reasons to have your website translated


Medium-sized and even small businesses are also increasingly having websites in multiple languages. Why? Well, they have a lot of good reasons for that, five of which we highlight here. Perhaps they apply to you, too? Here they come:

Your website is your company's business card. We will happily translate it for you

For a website translation that leaves your tone of voice intact in the other language, connects to your CMS and is SEO-optimized, you've come to the right place at Scriptware Translations. Request a free quote now.

1. You want to enter new markets

With translated content, you speak to potential customers in interesting new markets much more effectively. Studies have shown time and again that most consumers only buy from websites in their own language. If you cling to the idea that you can conquer the German market with an English-language site (because almost everyone speaks English anyway, right?), chances are that your foreign adventure will end in failure.

2. You want to serve existing customers better

Perhaps you already do business abroad? With a translated website, you can boost customer loyalty and satisfaction in one fell swoop. Companies that make an effort for their customers score well. Your turnover will also benefit from this. Information in your own language also ensures fewer misunderstandings and therefore possibly lower costs.

3. You also want to benefit from SEO across borders

On your Dutch or English site, you're probably already reaping the benefits of SEO (search engine optimization). So why not also use this powerful tool to target foreign markets? In translated content, you can include all the keywords that potential customers use when searching for your products or services. A highly findable translated site that scores high on Google is a true customer magnet.

4. You want to trump the competition

Is a translated website not yet common in your industry? Then be a pioneer and set the stage before your competitors do. Especially if you have a unique product, you can build market share and create loyalty relatively quickly with a translated and optimized website. Thanks to the valuable insights about customers' online behavior - very different in almost every country! - that you acquire, you will stay ahead in the long run as well.

5. You want to win a lot with little effort

The days when you had to manually paste translated web content into your website after copying the original content from it are now long gone. Many sites today are built on a platform (think WordPress or Wix) from which you can export the full text and import translations without any problems. Moreover, various platforms have an API that provides a direct link to the specialized editors in which professional translators usually work. Streamlined processes and therefore lower costs. A communication or translation agency specializing in multilingual websites, such as Scriptware Translations, can provide you with all the information you need.

If even one of the above five reasons applies to your business, you really don't need any other arguments to have your site translated. In this online world, relevant multilingual content is a must for any entrepreneur serious about foreign markets.

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